Hey, Highly Sensitive Person -
Ooooo, today I'm fired up, because I've been dying to talk about this topic for a few weeks, and today's the day.
Vulnerable moment - I comprehended the idea I'm sharing today on an intellectual level for a long time, but I didn't understand it in the deep way I've come to know until recently.
As soon as I deeply aligned with this idea, things got real, so I knew I had to share this with you.
Here's the very unsexy, unglamorous truth of why something isn't working for you...
You don't believe it will.
This is not a...
blame game or some woo-woo, "The Secret"-esque statement that you just have to mind over matter and think hard enough to get what you want.
blanket statement that you aren't working hard, that you aren't trying things, and that you're not making enough effort.
I would never tell you those things, neither as a fellow human, nor as a fellow Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
I know you put your whole heart into the things you do, which is why it's so FREAKING FRUSTRATING when things don't go the way you hoped.
I hear you that you're doing "all the things" (I've said this too) and stretching yourself, and you're tired of trying so hard and not seeing anything change.
I see (either first hand or in my mind's eye, depending on whether you've shared them with me or not) your several-page long to-do list, project list, ideas list, etc.
I've been there too, friend, and I know how demoralizing and hopeless that feels.
This is what happens when you're taking action from scarcity, desperation, and the belief that you "just have to do more" to get what you desire.
When you open yourself to the possibility that something is available to you, that's when you start to get traction.
You don't even have to believe that it's going to happen (though that will come with time and practice).
You simply have to open the door that it's possible for you to get what you want to start heading in that direction.
When you actually believe that something could be possible, you:
Show up with this subtle but powerful shift in your energy, your confidence, and your self-trust
Take simple, clear actions with minimal drama - you know (or quickly figure out) how to do the thing you want to do
See progress towards what you want and tangible results
In this week's episode of the Highly Sensitive Club, I'm going deeper on how and why this works so that you can see the missing piece as to why your actions aren't working and you're feeling drained and depleted.
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I'm not kidding. This has changed the way I approach my business, my sessions, and my clients.
You don't need yet another tactic or tool to get what you want.
You can believe in yourself, clear the fog, and get going with your own innate wisdom, skills, and gifts. Right now.
Here are the results I've gotten, and helped my clients get, by believing in possibility:
Making $1000 in 2 weeks after months of inconsistent income
Dropping 35 pounds
Choosing a course and moving forward (after months of back-and-forth and drama)
Creating a compelling Vision for the year (or longer!) ahead
Offering a (new) service from a place of passion and sufficiency
Building evidence that success is possible
This. Works.
I know how to help you see the beliefs (or lack thereof) that are standing in your way.
So, due to my own belief in the possibility that you might want help from me (not that I'm the answer, but that I have expertise and can help you get results), I'm inviting you to book a consultation call with me.
I will help you see what's getting in your way and how to move forward, whether you want to continue to work with me or DIY.
It all starts with your aligned belief, HSP.
I believe in you - even if you don't yet!
P.S. Ready to make 2025 your year? Here are two ways I can help:
1. Grab your New Year Vision Session before January 31, 2025 to lock in the current $125 rate!
2. Learn how to believe and take aligned action by booking a consultation call to see if we're a good fit to work together. If you've tried everything on your own and still aren't getting the results you want, I'll help you see what's really getting in your way so you can finally make progress (which beliefs are standing in your way!). Let's talk. <3