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Writer's pictureSteph Linn

Why is Coaching so Valuable for Highly Sensitive People?

Hi, Highly Sensitive Person -

When's the last time you made a big change on your own?

Was it a job or career move?

Was it a health or lifestyle change?

A relationship revamp?

How did it go?

Did it last?

Are you still trying to find the motivation back to really follow through?

Trying to do everything alone is the hardest and most difficult way to go about things.

And yet, so many of us feel like we have to figure everything out ourselves...

AND work through obstacles alone...

AND make it look easy-breezy beautiful and effortless at the same time.

The idea of gliding through every challenge is just that, an idea.

It's a picture you build up in your head and then get so attached to, you think we're doing something wrong when you don't do it exactly like your vision.

Then you make it mean that you're lazy or incapable or flakey when you're not busting through challenges like the Kool-Aid man through a wall.

None of that is true.

It's simply that trying new things and learning new skills takes practice and effort.

That's normal.

And it doesn't have to be an epic hero's journey that you take all by yourself.

Whether it's an accountabil-buddy, a trusted friend, or a professional (like a coach, wink wink), having at least one person to take the journey with you makes everything SO much easier and more enjoyable.

Humans are social creatures, and even the most introverted Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) still need close relationships to thrive.

All of this to say, if you're feeling stuck and stagnant trying to do it all alone, this week's episode of the Highly Sensitive Club is for you.

Listen on your favorite podcast app and / or watch on YouTube.

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In the episode, I keep it short and sweet and share 5 reasons why coaching is so valuable for HSPs.

Having a coach to walk the journey with you helps you break through even the most stubborn obstacles and keep moving in the direction of your dreams.

And whether you hire someone or simply expand your community, remember that trying to do everything yourself is like playing life on Hard Mode.

Let your life be fun along the way.

Big, warm vibes -


P.S. Tired of trying to figure out everything alone all the time? I can help!

  1. Book a call with me so we can make a plan for your goal. Whether you want to work together now or not, you'll still have the plan and know exactly  what to do to build your team and move forward.

  2. Hop on the waitlist for the next live round of Emotional Alchemy - coming August 2024! Perfect for HSPs who want to learn how to manage their own energy, let go of other people's emotions, and maybe even stop picking up other people's stuff in the first place. It's a game-changer for emotionally sensitive people!

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