Hi there, Highly Sensitive Person -
I've been thinking a lot about you and my clients and my mentees lately and what you're working through right now.
And I've noticed a trend.
That a lot of my Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are slowly and steadily working through life transitions right now.
You're thinking about life purpose and legacy.
You're thinking about career moves, whether going from employed to solopreneur or vice versa.
You're thinking about how to balance productivity and play.
And all of these life transitions involve the process of making decisions.

We often think that decisions are BIG commitments that, once made, we have to follow through on forever after.
But what if that's not the reality of how decisions actually come to life?
What if the truth is that each big decision is a series of small decisions along the way that you can process over time?
Sometimes decisions might be quick and easy, of course.
But I'm talking big areas of your life and making lasting change.
That's the kind of thing that you as an HSP have the capacity to process consistently over time and
with which you create meaning and depth for your life.
So, in this week's episode of the Highly Sensitive Club, I'm sharing success stories from me and from clients about the process of making long-term decisions.
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In the episode, you'll learn:
Why the process of making long-term decisions is the most natural thing for Highly Sensitive People
How to make lasting change through your decisions
Whether to go big picture or small steps first
I've been seeing SO MUCH progress from my HSPs lately, and I think this is one of those concepts that, when we become aware of it, makes a huge difference in how we approach our lives.
It's okay to process your decisions, HSP, just don't get caught in the sauce.
And if you want help with that? I've got you.
Book a free consultation call with me so I can help you get crystal clear on your process and your very next step.
You can process alone, or you can supercharge your processing with a fellow HSP who can help you see your own mind more clearly and help you get out of your own way.
To processing your process,
P.S. Seriously though, a consultation call with me always creates a ton of insights and awareness that you can move forward with right away. Why wait until the new year and lean on arbitrary resolutions? You can start making decisions and building the life you want right now, HSP. Let's get started. <3